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Woman accused of running over her partner with her car 'after he ate one of her chips'

Rachel Lang

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Woman accused of running over her partner with her car 'after he ate one of her chips'

A man has accused his girlfriend of running him down with her car because he 'took one of her hot chips' from her snack pack.

TheDaily Mailreports Charlotte Harrison is facing charges of aggravated endangering life and driving in a reckless or dangerous manner over an alleged incident with her partner Matthew Finn.

The Adelaide Magistrates Court heard how Finn made the grievous error of asking his girlfriend for a hot chip.

He then took the chip from her chicken and salad pack while the two were driving in her car on Sunday (February 26) afternoon.

Credit:  Jill Robb / Alamy
Credit: Jill Robb / Alamy

"I thought she was finished. I shouldn't have asked for the chip," Mr Finn told9Newsoutside the court. "I had a chip and she'd pulled over and asked me to get out."

Harrison, 42, denied the claims levied against her in court.

According to Harrison, she had driven out to find her boyfriend on Melbourne Street in Adelaide's north as he was not feeling well.


Her court-appointed solicitor said she had no intention of harming Finn.

According to theAdelaide Advertiser, her lawyer told the court she planned to head to the police station.

As she was in the middle of doing a U-turn she accidentally hit the accelerator and careered into oncoming traffic.

"She has seen him run off, she has attempted to do a U-turn to go to the Norwood Police Station," he said.


"She has, by mistake, stepped on the accelerator rather than the brake and then hit the pole as described in the CCTV footage," her duty solicitor told the South Australian court.

Credit: Brian Jackson / Alamy
Credit: Brian Jackson / Alamy

"It's accepted that on viewing the CCTV footage that it might look like there was an attempt to endanger the complainant's life."

However, Finn believes she was trying to run him down.


"Straight into a Toyota Yaris, and yeah, the poor girl, she'd be shocked for life. That was the worst part," Finn said to 9News.

"I just jumped straight over - it wasn't much of a jump - straight over into a bit of a lane there, and she just impaled the Subaru."

There had been dramatic scenes just before Harrison and Finn had their moment in court, with the woman dramatically sacking her own hired lawyer, briefly representing herself, and then calling on the duty solicitor for legal aid.

The duty lawyer argued she had 'complied with police', 'did not flee the scene of the accident', and should be entitled bail.


The 42-year-old woman now faces an order of home detention until Friday, in which she will conclude her bail application.

There is no further update on what happened to the snack pack.

Featured Image Credit:9News


Rachel Lang
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