全国城市农贸中心联合会批准发布以下bob综合体育软件下载 ,自2024年4月18日生效,现予以公告。该标准由全国城市农贸中心 联合会食用燕窝标准化技术委员会(CAWA/TC1)提出并组织制定。
该标准编号及名称如下: T/CAWA15—2024 《燕窝产地等级划分》
China Agricultural Wholesale Markets Association (CAWA) approved issue of the following CAWA standards which shall enter into effect from the date of 18 th April 2024. It is hereby announced. This standard was proposed and developed by CAWA Standards Technical Committee on Edible Bird’s Nest (CAWA/TC1).
The number and title of the standard is: T/CAWA15—2024 Grading of edible bird's nest producing locations