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Lewis Capaldi's mum says he looks like he has a mangina

Callum Jones

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Lewis Capaldi's mum says he looks like he has a mangina

Lewis Capaldi has shared a hilarious conversation with his mum on Twitter and fans are loving it.


The Scottish Beyonce shared aWhatsAppmessage between himself and his mum as she was watching him on STV.

Capaldi'smum said: "Watched u on TV. You look as if you've got a mangina."


The singer-songwriter was obviously not impressed with his mum's comment, as he accompanied the tweet with the caption: "Well that's just terrific," alongside a picture of him in the TV appearance his mum is referring to.

Capaldi's mum was referring to an interview Capaldi did withWhat's On Scotlandfor STV, for those not in Scotland, the show brings exclusive celebrity interviews and TV and movie news.

Fans have reacted to Capaldi's Tweet, and it is fair to say most of them are finding the amusing side to it.

Lewis Capaldi's mum thought he had a mangina. Credit: @lewiscapaldi/Twitter
Lewis Capaldi's mum thought he had a mangina. Credit: @lewiscapaldi/Twitter

One person said: "Lewis camelpaldi."

A second added: "Looselips Capaldi"

A third added: "It’s comforting to know even celebrities get humbled by their mothers."

And the official Specsavers account said: "*Removes glasses*"

Credit: Twitter
Credit: Twitter

In the interview, which people may see in a funnier light now, Capaldi discusses his celebrity crush, comeback nerves and some of the most famous people in his phonebook.

The Scottish singer revealed toWhat's On Scotlandthat nerves played a part at TRNSMT festival during the summer, as he looks ahead to his new tour in January 2023.

He said: "I am a bit nervous, they are quite big rooms.


"I did some crying. I was relieved. I was a bit nervous beforehand and I thought ‘am I going to be able to do this’, and then I did and it was fine.

"Paolo Nutini came back that weekend and it was very much Paolo’s weekend. I went to see it and it was incredible and I don’t think our day had sold out till two days prior, but then seeing people’s reaction to me dragging myself around stage, it was great."

Lewis Capaldi revealed the message he had from his mum on Twitter. Credit: Gary Mather / Alamy Stock Photo
Lewis Capaldi revealed the message he had from his mum on Twitter. Credit: Gary Mather / Alamy Stock Photo

Despite his success, Capaldi admits the pressure is on as he heads into the new tour.


He continued: "Listen, there is no shortage of white male singer-songwriters singing about their feelings.

"I am very aware I am in an oversaturated market. There is a fear when you come back that no one is going to care, but it’s been a pleasant surprise to see that people have some enthusiasm for my shenanigans."

Featured Image Credit:@lewiscapaldi/Twitter

Topics:Lewis Capaldi,Music

Callum Jones
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